Beyond the basics of learning how to operate your business, there are a number of areas of learning you, as an entrepreneur, should participate in.

Personal Growth Training

Ask any one who has studied the lives of the successful.  The number one contributor to success is having the Success Mindset.  The ability to manage your own mindset.  Which is developed through?  Personal study and personal growth.

What is so important about this?  Well, business and life are not all up.  There are major downswings.  Being at the effect of the situation renders one powerless.  To manage well, one must be able to succeed through all the ups and all the downs.  And that begins with managing oneself.

So.  Does the business you are considering building offer personal growth training?  Personal mindset development?  Personal wellness resources?

If not, consider adding this as an additional business expense.  It is an investment in your success.

Marketing Training

Whether a business-in-a-box model or a training to start your own business model, ensure that the business opportunity you are considering includes up to date marketing training.  One of the most common platforms for online marketing is Facebook, and the only constant with Facebook is that they are always changing everything.  Not just moving things around, either, but major platform marketing changes.

So whatever training is offered must be comprehensive, correct, and up to date.  If the screenshots do not quite match the current layout of a social media platform that is not really a big deal. But if the training does not reflect the strategies that match the current version of the platform algorithm, then you will need to access additional training for yourself.  Don’t forget to factor that into your calculations.

Keep an eye out for strategies that shortcut a current aspect of the platform.  These “hacks” will not last for long, so if they are the sole path to success in the business model you are considering, you might want to consider another model.

Business Growth Training

Once your business is up and running, you will want to scale your success.  This will require business growth training.  Scaling your business as a feature was discussed in the article on Income Model article.  The how to is important to know.  It may be a good measure of average success rates in your particular business model if business growth training is provided.

Financial Management Training

OK, so for example perhaps you have found and like a training program that shows you how to operate, say, a Shopify store.  And they have shown you a 6 or 7 figure income potential from the model.

Do they also provide financial management training that will show you how to manage all that green?  Surely if it is as successful as it claims, they will provide at least some rudimentary training in financial management for their students!  Just a thought, but if financial management training is not provided 1) it may not be as successful as advertised or 2) you may want to find some good fiscal management training.


So there are a number of additional types of training that you may wish to ensure are included in your base business model, or if not, to provide for your own education.


Up next….A Few Last Factors

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