Training and Tools
The most obvious first training that must come with a business-in-a-box is essential training on how to run your business. All aspects of it: the products, the business model, the compensation plan, the tools you need. The training needs to be complete. How can you tell? Check out testimonials! If it’s not complete, or if there are unexpected glitches, this will slow down your launch. Not to mention frustrating you….
In our multi-media world, this training should be offered in video format, so you can see what is actually being done, and also so you can stop and start the training. This will allow you to complete each step as it is described before moving on to the next step.
There is a set of tools which you will need to operate a business online. These include a Website, a Customer Relationship Manager (unless you’re only planning on having one or two customers), an Autoresponder (sends out emails to your prospects), and possibly a Business Manager app.
With a business-in-a-box, you should get all the tools you need to operate your business. These will be provided in one of three formats: all-in, provided but pay as you go, or get your own.
The all-in model will provide the tools, however, as they are in-house, the included cost will be high. These businesses are in the (multiple) 5 figure range. App development is a pricey venture, and that cost is passed on to you, the end user. This cost will be affected by the number of users and the newness of the business: a new business is in the process of recovering this cost from the users, whereas a company that has been in existence for a number of years has already recovered this cost and may be able to pass it on to you at a reduced rate. Depends on the philosophy of the corporation.
The Pay as you go model may have arrangements with third party providers, for example a website hosting provider. This model allows you to access the lower prices of the third party provider (as they have a larger client base than an in-house app) coupled with the buying power of your group of companies. Double discount.
The third model, get your own, is often used by business training sites (for example, a training that shows you how to run a Shopify store). You have paid for the training, but you still need to build or purchase your app tools.
In all models, it is important that there are no missing links, so to speak. You don’t want to buy into a business and discover a whole layer of hidden additional costs. So ensure that the tool costs are specified.
Starting a business is not a straight line process. There will be ups and downs. Count on it. Far easier to survive this normal business terrain with a mentor to help get you through the first lows. They will also help you anticipate and avoid some of the pitfalls of the novice business creator/owner.
Next in importance is getting your questions answered. You are learning so many different things, and of course the basis for an online business is technology, so you will have questions. A mentor will answer the questions for you. Of course, make an effort to solve the problem first, maybe even phrase you query with two possible solutions you have found. A mentor is not a crutch, they are there to assist your doing.
Frequency of mentoring contact is up to the mentor. The style of delivery ranges from weekly or biweekly group calls to on-demand 1-1 style coaching via phone or skype style screen share. Personally, waiting on a weekly group call doesn’t seem to be a great model: what if you stumble into a problem the day after the call….do you want to have to wait a whole week to get your questions answered? And will you be able to raise your question in a group setting?
Years ago I probably would have said “I don’t need mentoring.” Let me just say this: you do need it. It is essential for success.
It is important to be able to talk to others who are in the same business as you. Are there networking opportunities? This may be a weekly online or phone session, or area meetings. So much to learn from and to contribute to your cadre! And so inspiring to hear other people’s successes, and encouraging to hear their struggles with the same issues you experience. Keeps one from feeling “it’s my fault.”
How much should you expect to pay for training? Consider what value the training has for you. Whether front end of back end, expect to pay for your training, mentoring and coaching. Back your attitude with gratitude!
Every career comes with costs. University or college cost, where the trainer is paid through tuition. On site training, with your purchasing your tools and workwear. Only the air we breathe is free! Expect to pay for your training.
Up next…..Income Model